Sunday, November 9, 2008

need prayers

Greetings - I hope everyone is well - I have been very sick this past month and a half - there is some sort of mold or something in the house that has gotten into my lungs - we are living in the camper and trying to liquidate things in the house, looks like the bank will take it back anyways - We will not be setting up at any pow wows through the rest of this year, in order to take care of all the stuff in the house - at least ken has gotten an extension on his unemployment and we will have a little income for a little while longer - he is going to hock the paint spray rig so I can go to the doctor and hopefully figure out what is going on with me - we are blessed though, we have good friends/family that are letting us live in their driveway with hook-ups for the camper - well, anyways, that is why I haven't written in a while - not sure how things will go and I will try to keep posts and update if we find anything about my medical issues - I haven't slept well in about 2 months now so far, so I am weak and tired - I love you all and will pray for everyone - Creator will see us all through it, I am sure of it

Much Love and mnay Prayers
