Monday, September 14, 2009

Dayton TN Pow Wow


Stories of our Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated!! 


Helped Uncle Jimmy with the pow wow this past weekend in Dayton, TN.  Ken was keeper of the Circle and Tony was the MC, Myra helped with Luck of the Draw and we did Candy Dance and ran block for the guys all weekend, along with running our shop.  So, sorry to say that I didn't get any pictures of the pow wow this time    Here is a really cool pic of the Rome Georgia Thingy!


Was a really good Pow Wow, Big, Lotsa Peeps came out - LOTZ in dire need of the Spirituality brought to their little town.  Sooo many mentioned that they hoped we would be back next year.  We told them to be sure and tell their city leaders how much they wanted us back. 

This park was just Beautiful, the river ran around it and there were ducks and swan.  We were here since Tuesday last and will leave out tomorrow morning to go back to Georgia.  We had dinner out Sunday with Tony & Myra **See Review Section**


Can you Imagine having 4 dogs like our Little Wolf???  2 were social and 2 were NOT!  They were all Much Smaller than her as well. 

Anyways,  we are really pooped and have a travel day tomorrow.  Still several pow wows in a row to go.  Will post as much as I can, in between pow wow and drownin' worms

Love Y'all ~ Look to Creator, only in Him can you find... Peace


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