We will be setting up at Chambers Farm Pow Wow then on to Red Eagle Lodge. Then a relaxing stay at the preserve to craft and visit with the wildlife. Then to Mothers Day Pow Wow in Dade City. Come on out to pow wow, and visit with us! Check my dot com pow wow calendar for more info and links, and summer pow wows throughout the south east.
March 27 - 29, 2009 ~ FIHA 44th Annual Pow Wow
Savannas Recreation Area ~ 1400 E Midway Rd. Ft. Pierce, FL
Gates Open 10am daily; MC - Jamie Nemeth; Host Northern Drum - Sacred Ground; Host Southern Drum - Falcom Singers; AD - Lee Young; Head Veteran - Joe Watson; Florida Indian Hobbyist Association
April 3 - 5, 2009 ~ 30th Annual Chambers Farm Spring Gathering
Ft McCoy, Florida
MC ~ Rick Bird; Performer - Albert Gray Eagle; Host Drums -Billy Evans Horse and the Tinedooah Family Drum; Arena Director - Duane Whitehorse; Head Man - Bronson Hay Wahey & Head Lady - Maria Whitehorse; Contact Information - Dan Berke - 706-983-9367 mbrill@interscopemfg.com http://Chambersfarm.org

April 10 - 12, 2009 ~ Red Eagle Lodge 9th Annual Intretribal Pow Wow
Floral City County Park, Citrus County, FL
Red Eagle Lodge of West Central Florida in Conjunction with Citrus County Parks & Recreation
The Park is locateed approximately 8 miles South of Inverness, on US 41, and approximatley 13 miles North of Brooksville ~ Primitive Camping on-site for performers and vendors, Entry Donations $3 adults, $1 kids, Kids 5 and Under FREE, Elders 60 and older $1, Gates Open Friday and Saturday from 9am - 8pm ~ Sunday from 10am - 5pm. Grand Entry Friday 5pm - Saturday 1pm & 5pm - Sunday 1pm; Host Drum - Drum of the Descendants For additional Information Contact Pansey Cleaveland, President (352)400-5644; email - cp5@infionline.net or John L. Porter, Secretary & Logistics (352)563-2817 e-mail - jlporter@embarqmail.com website - www.redeaglelodge.org
May 8 - 10, 2009 ~ 17th Annual Mothers Day Native American Pow Wow
Withlacoochie River Park ~ 12449 Withlacoochie Blvd., Dade City, Florida
"Mittie, Robert Wood, and family are back to stay" There will be 35 Vendors, 2 Demonstrators, and 2 Food Vendors - Set up On Wed & Thurs - All School Children on May 8th - For more info call or e-mail ~ Mittie Wood 1-352-583-3388 or mvto@embarq.com or Sharon Thomas 1-352-521-3012 or windspirit1985@yahoo.com Withlacoochee Native American Indian Culture, Inc. PO BOX 215 - Trilby, Florida 33593-0215 - No Alcohol, No Drugs, No Firearms, All Pets Must be on a Leash - NO WOLF'S ALLOWED
May 22 - 24, 2009 ~ 2009 North Bay Clan Pow Wow
3733 County Road 2321 - Southport, FL 32409
Drum: Decendants - MC: John Ferguson - Dancing, Singing, Crafts, Food - Friday - Saturday 9am to Until - Sunday 9am - 3pm - Grand Entry each day 1pm - James Bush (850)381-8400 TATOWIER@aol.com