Tuesday, December 30, 2008

On the Trail Again.......

On the Trail Again.......
Well I unplugged the PC and put it away, I will have the Skyecomp to get online now and again.  I may be MIA more times than not though.  Please check my dot com pow wow page to see where we will be and come visit!  **see post below** 

So don't feel bad if I don't respond right away to something on Multiply.  Best bet is to email me if you really need something.  Need my email?... go to the dot com
Heading to Webster Wed morning to get set up and celebrate the New Year the Pow wow way!!!  Making Beef veggie soup if anyone will be there early like us. 
Peace be with you
Travel Well
One Nation
Spiderwrulf & Cloudwalker

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Upcoming Pow Wows!!!

We are gearing up for the following pow wows, Hope to see some of y'all out there.  Kick off the New Year the Pow Wow way!!!  We are going to get there Wednesday early as we can, so I can get some Chicken and Rice cookin' in the Crock Pot.  Let the kids know I got some Awesome cool Grab Bags made up  ~ gonna get beading today and tomorrow.

Don't forget to visit the Dot Com, I have the 2009 Calendar page set up. www.SixDirectionsTraders.com


 January 2 - 4, 2009 ~ Boomer's First Inter-tribal Gathering & Dance

Across from Webster Westside Market ~ Webster, Florida 33597

Hours Friday Noon - 10pm; Saturday 10am - 10pm; Sunday 10am - 5pm; Host Drum - Family Drum ; Grand Entry Fiday-7pm, Sat-1&7pm, Sun-2:30pm; Native American Dancing and Drumming; Food & Craft Vendors; Trade Blanket Saturday Night; Indian Auction and Raffle; 50/50 Drawing; Luck of the Draw for Dancers in Regalia; Public Welcome; Admission $2 Donation, under 12 FREE with an adult; This is a NO Drug, NO Alcohol, NO Firearm event - Bring the Kids and Lawn Chairs and spend the day! FREE Primitive Camping for Dancers - Very Limited electric available at $5 per day - Pets on Leash - NO Big Dogs! Vendors/Traders by Invitation Only - For more info contact Boomer & Teresa (Home) 352-568-2425 (Cell) 352-603-2643; John Ferguson 352-232-3378; Raven 352-232-0684


  January 9 - 11, 2009 ~ Spirit of the Buffalo Pow Wow

International Market World ~ Auburndale, Florida 33823


Festival Hours Friday 8am - 8pm; Saturday 8am - 10pm; Sunday 8am - 4pm; MC - Ric Bird ; AD - Ken Cloudwalker;  See Demonstrations of Native American crafts including Tomahawk Throwing, Bow and Arrow, Flint Knapping, Fire Making, Bead and Feather Work, and much more.  Watch East meets West Wild West Show, Drumming, and Dancing!  Indian Village with Historic Artifacts, Intertribal Dance Competition, Artisans & Crafters,  Taste Authentic Food, Native American Music, Live Buffalo - January 9th FREE Kids Day - School Busses Welcome, call for schedule, plenty of bus parking - All Pre-registered groups will receive a FREE 8 X 10 group picture in front of a Live Buffalo on Kids Day!  Food Vendors include; Smokin' Joe's BBQ, Calypso Kettle Corn, Buffalo Burgers.  From Orlando take I-4 to exit 17 off toll 570 (Polk Parkway) From Tampa take I-4 to exit 28 - US hwy 92E - Open Rain or Shine!  Campsites availableJan 2 - 12 limited electricity - Dance competition, Luck of the Draw

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Native American 12 Days of Christmas

I got this in an e-mail and thought I would share it

On the First day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me...

An Eagle sitting on a cedar tree.
On the second day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Two wise owls.

On the third day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Three sacred drums.

On the fourth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Four talking feathers.

On the fifth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Five prayer ties.

On the sixth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Six hawks a laying.
On the seventh day of  Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Seven stones for sweat lodge.

On the eighth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Eight great buffalo.

On the ninth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Nine precious elders.

On the tenth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me...

Ten eagle dancers.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Eleven braids of sweet grass.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Grandfather gave to me…

Twelve drummers singing.

The Story of the Native American 12 Days of Christmas

Gather round children and let us teach you a song that helps us to remember the sacred things of our Grandfather and the reasons that he came to walk our Land, clothed in Red Dirt.

We are excited to learn the things he accomplished for us, among us, and through us.

We are most excited that all the ways we have walked before now pointed us to this moment, when we mere humans would be able to walk as sons and daughters of the Most Holy One.

(Remember children, the eagle climbs the highest and takes our prayers to the High places, and the Eagle is Jesus, the One who was able also to climb to the heaven lies once and for all, to take our prayers, He is the Intercessor for all men).

(Remember children that the Owls represent both death and sacred messages from the Holy places… and in this song they represent the Old Testament and the new laws that brought death and mercy that brought life and Spiritual wisdom).

(For the drums beat out the sound of our Mother Earth while we pray to the Grandfather.. So as you hear them beat, Remember we now know that there is faith, hope and love in The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit).

(For the feathers remind us that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were given the talking feather by the Grandfather himself, to tell His story to us all).

(For we must remember that the law did not vanish and though we live by grace, there is a law to be followed and we humbly submit to that law, in offering our prayers to the Holy One).

(For we celebrate the creation of our Mother Earth, and thank Him for giving us all life, through our prayers, often using the feathers of this creature to smudge ourselves in preparation of that prayer time).

(For we must remember the gifts of the Spirit are seven fold, and we learn how to walk in these gifts through our fear and awe of our God, we do this praying in our lodges).

(For we want to remember the beatitudes, the blessings Jesus promised to come to his people, The buffalo represent his provision for our health, our very existence, as did the blessings He invoked on the people, the meek, those who weep, the poor all people have provision in Him).

(For as we sit at the feet of our elders we hear how we can walk in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, they have always taught these truths, we just didn't know that they were the same truths taught by the Talking Leaves the white men brought to us).

(For our eagle dancers danced for the people, to protect the people, to keep the people in wholeness, and wellness.. As the Ten Commandments, were also set to keep the people whole, to protect them from their own evil thoughts).

(For as we send the smell of sweet grass to the heavens, it invites those of the realm of the Grandfather, to enter into our world to help us… in this we remember the faithful eleven who stood ready to help our Savior, ready to do his will and work, so it is with those we invite to help us, if sent By Jesus).

(For the drums he Gave on the third day can not help us to pray if they do not have four drummers each to beat out the heartbeat of the earth and its people to our God and when natives are on the drum, we call it Singing, because it is much more than just drumming

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Is It January Yet???

 Is it January Yet??  We are finishing up our business that has kept us from the pow wow trail this last month.  Gotta get inspired to do some beading and crafting, hopefully Andi will come over and help me with that   ~ I have a very special set of bells that need to be made, and I have Ponies that need to be painted, and spirit web totems for people I have yet to meet...   
I have been working on the 2009 Pow Wow Calendar on the dot com.  Next Pow wow up is Boomers First at Webster's Westside Market - Should Be a Good one!  Kick the New Year off right with Pow Wow!  Then Auburndale right after that one, which Ken will be Arena Director.  Then it's the BEST Pow Wow in the SouthEast
 ~ Thundering Spirit Pow Wow ~



 January 2 - 4, 2009 ~ Boomer's First Inter-tribal Gathering & Dance

Across from Webster Westside Market ~ Webster, Florida 33597

Hours Friday Noon - 10pm; Saturday 10am - 10pm; Sunday 10am - 5pm; Host Drum - Family Drum ; Grand Entry Fiday-7pm, Sat-1&7pm, Sun-2:30pm; Native American Dancing and Drumming; Food & Craft Vendors; Trade Blanket Saturday Night; Indian Auction and Raffle; 50/50 Drawing; Luck of the Draw for Dancers in Regalia; Public Welcome; Admission $2 Donation, under 12 FREE with an adult; This is a NO Drug, NO Alcohol, NO Firearm event - Bring the Kids and Lawn Chairs and spend the day! FREE Primitive Camping for Dancers - Very Limited electric available at $5 per day - Pets on Leash - NO Big Dogs! Vendors/Traders by Invitation Only - For more info contact Boomer & Teresa (Home) 352-568-2425 (Cell) 352-603-2643; John Ferguson 352-232-3378; Raven 352-232-0684

  January 9 - 11, 2009 ~ Spirit of the Buffalo Pow Wow

International Market World ~ Auburndale, Florida 33823

Festival Hours Friday 8am - 8pm; Saturday 8am - 10pm; Sunday 8am - 4pm; MC - Ric Bird ; AD - Ken Cloudwalker;  See Demonstrations of Native American crafts including Tomahawk Throwing, Bow and Arrow, Flint Knapping, Fire Making, Bead and Feather Work, and much more.  Watch East meets West Wild West Show, Drumming, and Dancing!  Indian Village with Historic Artifacts, Intertribal Dance Competition, Artisans & Crafters,  Taste Authentic Food, Native American Music, Live Buffalo - January 9th FREE Kids Day - School Busses Welcome, call for schedule, plenty of bus parking - All Pre-registered groups will receive a FREE 8 X 10 group picture in front of a Live Buffalo on Kids Day!  Food Vendors include; Smokin' Joe's BBQ, Calypso Kettle Corn, Buffalo Burgers.  From Orlando take I-4 to exit 17 off toll 570 (Polk Parkway) From Tampa take I-4 to exit 28 - US hwy 92E - Open Rain or Shine!  Campsites availableJan 2 - 12 limited electricity - Dance competition, Luck of the Draw

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Turkey Day...

Hope everyone is hanging on.  I know we are ALL in Distress these days.  Personally I despise this time of year and wish that tomorrow would be January first.  My entire Blood Family has forsaken one another, I only have one younger brother that keeps in touch with me.  I have tried and tried over the years at this time to contact and forgive and forget or perhaps bring back together - To NO avail. 

My Tiyospaye* is priority now, they have been there for us numerous times, and we have been there for them.  So on this day of Thanks that I give for all the Soldiers that fight for our Freedom; for all the Firefighters, Police and EMT's that protect our lives here at home; for all the Ancestors that come before us that have paved the way of the walk.  I also Thank these people that I am proud to consider my real Family.  You know who you are, and you have NO ego to be named, you need NO status or Title, I Love You ALL.

Much Love and many Prayers,


*Tiyospaye is an extended family, Indigenous People united by choice rather than by blood or colonial delineation.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanks for all the Prayers!!!!

Thanks for All the Prayers!!

I am starting to feel much better.  As long as I stay out of that house I will heal.  Hubby is feeling it when he goes back in there.  There must be mold or bacteria of some sort in there and it seems to be getting worse.  We will just have to get rid of the house, we can not afford for it to make us sick.  Creator has guided us in this decision, it has been heart breaking, and yet eye-opening to be told so clearly what needs to be done.  We will give up a lot, but we are very rich in freinds and family here for us.  Please continue to pray for all the many many people out there that do not have a choice and are losing everything as we are, however, may not have loving and caring people behind them as we do.
Much Love and many prayers,


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gone Missing Please Help!!!!

I received this today, it is very new - passing it along with prayers.


Bryant's younger sister is currently missing since 5pm november 12th 2008 in deland, florida.  Her name is alexandra (alex) flemming, 16 years old, 10th grade at deland high school.  She is currently missing and we need help. the last place we heard was that she got into a grey or white 01' maybe 02' ford mustang with a soft top.  We dont know the situation quite yet, but we do know she is gone and her cellphone is off. she is too young to survive outside of her home and we are all hurting very hard over this.



Sunday, November 9, 2008

need prayers

Greetings - I hope everyone is well - I have been very sick this past month and a half - there is some sort of mold or something in the house that has gotten into my lungs - we are living in the camper and trying to liquidate things in the house, looks like the bank will take it back anyways - We will not be setting up at any pow wows through the rest of this year, in order to take care of all the stuff in the house - at least ken has gotten an extension on his unemployment and we will have a little income for a little while longer - he is going to hock the paint spray rig so I can go to the doctor and hopefully figure out what is going on with me - we are blessed though, we have good friends/family that are letting us live in their driveway with hook-ups for the camper - well, anyways, that is why I haven't written in a while - not sure how things will go and I will try to keep posts and update if we find anything about my medical issues - I haven't slept well in about 2 months now so far, so I am weak and tired - I love you all and will pray for everyone - Creator will see us all through it, I am sure of it

Much Love and mnay Prayers


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crazy Horse

Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world.  A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I  salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one."

~ Tasunka Witko - Crazy Horse ~

Monday, October 27, 2008

ATTENTION!!! Ft McCoy Pow Wow Cancelled!!!

Attention Everyone!!
We just got a call from the Dave & Linda of the Veterans Honor Society, and they informed us that the VFW Veterans Retirement Home has Cancelled the Ft McCoy Pow Wow November 7-9, 2008. They had an event last weekend that did not do very well financially, and their Board had a meeting today and decided to Not have this event at this time. Ken immediately called the Veterans home and spoke to the coordinator there, who verified that the event was Cancelled. Every effort was made by Ken to keep the event on, but they had made up their minds and this is where we stand.

We have spent a LOT of Time and Money and Effort with a LOT of other people in coordinating this event and are Truely Disappointed, but it was out of our hands. Be assured that we will have contracts drawn up for future pow wows that we are involved in coordinating.

We will always continue our support for Veterans everywhere. The disappointment we feel right now in the cancellation of this event is for all our Vendors, Dancers, Support Staff and everyone we have personally contacted and invited to this event.

Thank you all for the support given us
We will see you at the next pow wow
If you need any more information
please contact Ken on his cell
or Dave and Linda Reese.

Everyone Please say a prayer for all our Veterans,
In this time of great Need.
Thank you again,

Ken & Celeste
Six Directions Traders

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pictures from Cox-Osceola Pow Wow

Well, here it is ... the only picture I took at Cox-Osceola pow wow.  I know, I'm slacking but I guess I was having too much fun to take pictures.



Wonka 4 Prez!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On the Pow Wow Trail...

On the Pow Wow Trail....

We stayed right here on the tribal grounds in Orange City after the Cox-Osceola Pow Wow and will be loading out for the next one on Thurday.  Come on out and visit us in Dade City. 

  October 24 -26, 2008  ~ FNAIS Dade City Pow Wow

12449 Withlacoochee Blvd - Withlacoochee River Park - Dade City, Florida

MC - Dave Trezak; Host Drum - Family Drum; AD - Mike Serio; Florida Native American Indian Society - More Info Bill Martin 352-583-5024

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Loading out for pow wow

Loading out for Pow Wow

   October 17 - 19 2008 ~ Cox Osceola Intertribal Pow Wow Festival

Oklawaha Band of Yamasee ~ Orange Springs, Florida

Call- White Fawn @ 352-546-5525, Buck 352-546-1386, or Running Elk 352-546-5724 - Gates open Fri & Sat 9am to 10pm, Sun 9am to 6pm - Native American Crafts, Storey telling, dancing, food, auctions - Donation Adule $2; Children $1; under 6 FREE - Gate Prizes!!!!!!!! Bring Chairs, FREE Primitive Camping, Hot Showers; ALL Animals must be on a Leash, NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL - Daily Raffles and Lotteries ; Host Drum- Family Drum Singers; Guest Drum - Yamassee Youth Drum; Heady Lady Dancer - Princess White Dove Buford; Head Man Dancer - Herb Buffalo Dancer; MC - Dave Trezak ~ From I-75 or 301 travel south from Gainsville or North from Ocala to junction CR-318 (I-75 exit #368 at the Petro Truck Stop) Travel East to the end of the road and turn left on CR-315 at the blinking light; proceed to junction SR21; Turn right on NE 243rd Street (alongside church at fork in road) which becomes NE 130th Court Road and follow the signs.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cherokee Language Lessons Eastern Dialect

This was sent to me through you tube, may be something worth checking out for some of y'all who are interested in learning the Cherokee language. 

Cherokee Language Lessons Eastern Dialect

Provides links to assist with learning and speaking the Cherokee language using the Dialect spoken in Big Cove on the Qualla Boundary in North Carolina.



Friday, September 26, 2008

Working on the shop...

Working on the shop...

Got some feathers in and I am working on smudge fans and some beading.  I restocked the pipestone and working on a sage order.  Gotta make more dance bells.  Gonna work on running some eBay auctions this week.  I have the 2009 Pow Wow Calendar page started for the dot com, see the link on the 2008 pow wow page. 

Still got a toothache, but the dentist gave me meds ... Bleaaahhh!!!  Gotta stay home this weekend and relax.  Hope everyone is well



ps - yea... thats me herding the cows from my bicycle

Friday, September 12, 2008

Prayers for Tom and his family

Prayers for a fellow brother and vendor, and his wife and young son.  Tom of Nighthawk Traders crossed over the other night, they had gone up to Mabel's pow wow this weekend. 

We will send smoke and prayers

Much Love


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We are on the Sandbar again....

We are on the Sandbar again.........

  September 5-7, 2008 ~ 2008 Perry Annual InterTribal Pow Wow

Hwy 19/27 ~ Perry, FL, 32348

Scott French 850-838-2283 sjfrench2001@yahoo.com  Headman - Bobby Dubois; Headlady - Sandy Dubois; MC - John Ferguson;Host Drums - Sage Creek Drummers and Singers; AD - Judy Shadow Fox; Vendors by Invitation Only Water and Electricity Connections provided Free Admission and Parking - Restrooms and Showers available - Primitive Camping - Pow Wow program from 09:00Am til 10:00 PM - Grand Entry 19:30 PM - Head Veteran: Mark Windham 

Come on out and kick off Florida's Fall Pow Wow season with us. 

Monday, September 1, 2008

Loading up to head back to the Sandbar

Loading up to head back to the Sandbar

Well Gustav didn't have much for the southeast Alabama area, a little wind and some rain bands at times.  We will be loading up and heading to Perry, in the Big Bend of the panhandle on Wednesday.  This pow wow is usually very good, it kinda kicks off the Fall season in Florida and the peoples been chompin' at the bit for pow wow after 3 months without. My stock is kinda low, we have been under the weather the last few days and not really inspired to get creative.  But, hey, you can't rush being creative

I hope everyone is well and please keep an eye on the Tropics, cuz they ain't done with us yet .  The dot com calendar has been updated with more Florida pow wows, there is a new one in Jacksonville too.  Also, I have slowly been uploading my videos to you tube, so please check them out. 

Love you all, stay safe,


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pictures Uploaded ~ Heading South

Pictures Uploaded ~ Heading South

I got the pictures uploaded from the last couple pow wows, I won't be able to do the video's until I get to Dothan.  The pictures from King NC are awesome, especially the fire.  Ken participated in lighting the fire, he is our Firekeeper at Thundering Spirit Pow Wow.  There was an eagle dancer, and Iroquoi Smoke Dancers.  The woman Grass Dancer, Diamond,  is the daughter of Robert Roach a Lakota, She walks in leg braces normally and was given the Grass Dance by several Cherokee Elders.  She was Amazing!!  I love ALL MY GrassDancers.  It had Rained really hard Saturday night, but the Firekeeper kept the fire going through it.  When we came out to the shop, both vendors on either side of me had to move because they got flooded out, yet we were dry.  It was weird, We were on the Baseball diamond behind the pitchers mound and the ground was hard when it was dry, yet when it rained it became like Quick Sand!! As always we met more extended family, met a veteran that knew some of our people in Florida, and Utah Ferris, Rex Beggae, Lola Brantly were all there.  Irene Bedard was there, she and her husband sang together and told stories in a very unique way.  She did the voice for Pocahantas and starred in various Native American Movies.  As I say It was a really awesome Pow Wow - Check out the photos, and dont forget you can go to my Flickr account to see the pics closer.

While travelling to Alabama, I got rather good at taking photos from the moving vehicle   So you will see the Huntsville NASA Center.  And the Bluff Creek Pow Wow was very small and rainy, we only had a little time on Saturday to pow wow.  However, Keep look out for a video I shot of my Brother Tatankla Yellowbird's son playing the flute, He was really good!!



Monday, August 25, 2008

Hangin' with Fay in Arley, Alabama

Hangin' with Fay in Arley, Alabama

I haven't been feeling too good these past few days.  The pow wow in Phil Campbell was ok.  It rained a lot Saturday, but we pow wowed a bit - then Sunday it rained starting at 2am strait through, so we packed up and moved on to Arley, Alabama.  We are hanging with Fay, she has sent her finest Tornadoes to set down all around us.  We are resting, doing laundry and watching the news.  There is no phone service, but I have a little internet speed.  I will try and get pictures posted today.  They will be on my Flickr account also:


Here is a weather blog link from the local news - we are 4 miles from Arley:



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On the Road Again...

On the Road Again...

What a day we had travelling from NC to TN on I-40 west.  There was a Truck accident that we were seconds from being involved in *see photos*  Also note: my Flickr photo sets are located here:



The pow wow in King,NC was really awesome and we had a rather profitable pow wow as well.  We sure needed that with gas the way it is and the long journey back to the sandbar.  I will be editing and uploading all the pictures as soon as I can.  Pretty pooped today and got an early morning tomorrow and 300 more miles to go.
Lance and Ken

Much Love and many prayers,


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Awakened from a quiet slumber at midnight....

Awakened from a quiet slumber at midnight....

By our spitz (Little Wolf) to her trademark AWOOOOOO *bark* *bark* *bark* then I hear a mans voice outside the camper door and say to myself '"What the..??!!" 

Then all of a sudden ***BANG BANG BANG*** (and of course more barking, with big brother backing her up this time.)  And the mans voice again louder and directed at us, "Come out Please and Hurry!!!!"

As we exited the camper, we see the woods ablaze right behind us.  The, now recognized, Ranger asked if we had a hose urgently.  My husband, immediately going into firefighter mode from days gone by, ran around the other side to get the already charged hose.  Bare footed on the gravel and seriously spraining his ankle along the way, he knocked the fire down in minutes.  The Ranger awoke the campers next door to have them also get a hose and a rake to overhaul the 2 foot deep leaves in the woods that had been burning just minutes before.  They flooded the area for about an hour to make sure the thick flammable floor would not spark up again.  It must have been a stray spark from a campfire that had festered into such a scare, they had determined.  And many  Thanks to a camper across the street who had initially called the Ranger, noticing that the fire had no attendant and was growing larger.  Dudley, the Ranger, was also Thankful that we responded  with a proactive recall of the duties that had come so natural to us many years ago.

And so I close, with those ultimately famous words, from the ever so popular Bear:

"Only YOU, can prevent forest fires!"

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beadin', Craftin', and Chillin'

Beadin', Craftin', and Chillin'

We have this weekend off, thank goodness, so we can make more product and restock the shop for the next pow wow.  Which, by the way, will be in King, NC - and a VERY good Pow Wow from what I hear. 

Started yesterday morning with chasing Bear around the woods, he must have got the scent of a rabbit or something MAAAAN!!! he never took off like that before!!!  Daddy was veeeerrryyyy angry at him and Bear is totally on leash probation for a while now.

I have updated the dot com calendar for upcoming fall pow wows, so check that out.  I made more beaded spiders (see pictures) nothing fancy, just a fill in of the original spiderwulf's they were selling down, started a generation 3 with 3 colors now instead of just 2 colors - made some more spirit web totems, about 9 of them to fill in, so I have one of each totem available.  Need to make more Dragon Bobbies - WOW they are popular, only have 6 left and usually like to keep about 20 or so on hand. 

well, gonna shut this skyecomp down and get back to it - it is just beautiful here -mid 70's and breezy

Much Love and many prayers,


Monday, August 4, 2008

Thank you Lance Redhawk!

Just a BIG THANKS to Lance Redhawk for fitting us into his pow wow in King, North Carolina!  If anyone is near there, this is going to be a really good Pow Wow, I haven't stopped hearing about it since we got to North Carolina in June.  Also, We haven't stopped bugging Lance about getting into it for about as long. 

So we have a week to make more product and get ready for pow wow the weekend of the 15th.  Check the calendar for details, also check my dot com for the google map to the pow wow grounds.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Frank Liske Park Pow Wow ~ Concord, NC

Frank Liske Park Pow Wow ~ Concord, NC

The pow wow was really great!  We had a wikid storm run through in between the afternoon session and evening session.  Creator cleansed us of all the bad stuff and cooled us down, then we pow wowed into the night!!!  Just uploaded the pictures, might take a day or so to upload the videos.  Still recovering from the pow wow hangover LOL.  It is soooo great to be this far away and see familiar faces, Jeremy Lang and family was there this weekend. 

Well, we have a week off to make some product and restock a bit, and I beleive we will be doing the King, NC pow wow.  Hope everyone is well.

Much Love and many prayers,


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Family ~ Mommy, Daddy and Doggies

Changed Directions ~ back to North Carolina

Changed Directions ~ back to North Carolina

We had a change of mind, and spirit. Instead of going to the farmville, Virginia pow wow, we came back to NC for a smaller one(I need to make more stock). We had gone part way at first, and stopped at Dixie Caverns. They had a campground right at the caverns, so it was really cool!  So, we are in salisbury, NC near Winston-Salem (where we were a  week ago) found another park in our system to camp for free, for the 7 days out, until we can go back to the Winston-Salem park again. We have 2 more pow wows scheduled in NC, then 1 in Alabama the weekend of the 22nd of august. Then we will stop over and visit with our host family in Dothan, Alabama before we come back to the sandbar for the fall pow wow season. Our first pow wow down there is the weekend of the 22nd of september. 
Ken always sets a minimum dollar amount that we need to make to get on to the next one, and so far Creator has met that goal everytime, so we cannot complain. We seem to get what we need, so I say again "HE" has us right where we need to be. It has been an awesome journey so far, the people we have met and places we have been.  We saw one of the Longest Walk ppl that we met in Oxford at the Bland Pow Wow which was exciting, Dawn informed us that she is getting married to another LongWalker.  So we wish all the best to Dawn and Lead Horse!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dixie Caverns ~ Salem, Virginia

Dixie Caverns ~ Salem, Virginia

We drove part way to Lynchburg, Virginia today - stopped in this cool place called Dixie Caverns, its the only caverns in Virginia - there is a campground with full hook-ups and cable for $26 per night right at the caverns!  and we went for the tour in the caverns for a discounted rate of $7 each - see photo album for my cool pictures - I love caves!! I think I was born in a cave :) only thing was a bummer is that the bats were not there :(

ok, really pooped now - pow wow hangover is catching up with me

night - night


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bland County Fairgrounds Pow Wow

Bland County Fairgrounds Pow Wow ~ Virginia

We arrived safe and sound in Bland, Virginia.  It is wonderful weather here, in fact it is down right chilly tonight!!!  I was able to upload a couple videos from the Winston-Salem Pow Wow.  I also took some pictures from the drive up.  More blogging to come



Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cherokee, North Carolina

Cherokee, North Carolina

We are in Cherokee this weekend and having a wonderful time.  We went to the Festival of Native Peoples and it wasn't quite as good as last year.  The Apache Crown dancers and the Alaskan dancers were not there this time .  The best part, however, was seeing Alan Mose Jr. !  We also got to see many other friends such as Tommy Wildcat, Miss Lola, Rex Begae and Eddy Two Clouds.  We got to visit with Mama Elsie of the Wolf Clan and everyone went out to dinner together after the festival.  We are going to visit Bearmeats today, I think they are one of the best shops in Cherokee, they are located out on Soco road (19) on the east side of town heading towards Maggie Valley.  If you ever get out that way, you gotta stop in and see their wonderful shop! 

Next we are heading to Bland, Virginia and then Farmville, Virginia.  Looking forward to seeing some friends there.  Hope all is well.

Much Love and many Prayers,


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Online in Winston-Salem

Online in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
as we had stopped over in Commerce, GA - I had updated some windows microcrap files - the last 2 security updates, unbeknownst to me, were defective to have on my laptop - I could not figure out why it showed that I was online and yet nothing would navigate (either wifi or my verizon access) - just pass it along - that if someone you know is having difficulties getting online - on the laptop - to delete the last 2 security updates ending in the numbers 951978 and 951748 (start>control panel>add/remove software> click updates 'check' box)
Anyways, just passing that on, and a little note to say We are thinking of Y'all in our travels on the pow wow trail.  Looking forward to seeing some of yas out there on the trail possibly.  We will try and get some pictures and/or video to post on the Multiply site.  The preserve we are in, here in Advance, NC (outside of Winston-Salem ) is Very nice and Woodsy :)  The temperature has been much more pleasant than July in Florida THAT is for Sure!!! 
Travel Well,
Much Love and many prayers,

Monday, July 7, 2008

Heading for North Carolina Pow Wows

Heading for North Carolina Pow Wows

We are loading up after a good rest in Dothan, Alabama.  We will be heading to Winston-Salem, North Carolina for pow wow.  Looks like we will be meeting our favorite herb people, 'Peace Eagle Herbs' out there.  They will be at the next 2 pow wows that we will be set up at, so if anyone has any herb needs or questions, please let me know. 

I will try to get more pictures and video than I did the last time.  Please pray for our travels, it is getting tougher to get from point A to point B with these gas prices.  But we must do what we must do, this is our only source of income and is apparently our path from here on in.

Much Love and many prayers to everyone,


Sunday, June 29, 2008

From the Trail...

From the Trail...

We are in Walnut Grove, Georgia at pow wow. It has been a very nice pow wow, we are on an organic farm and they have fed us very well!! Was really great to see my Lakota brother Tatankala again, and some other familiar faces. They had a flag retirement ceremony last night, I had never seen that before.
One of the last pow wows we did in Florida, I had heard about them bringing the Grandmothers back, to start the pow wow. Well, so far at every pow wow we have done outside Florida, they have started out with a Woman's Power Circle. They play an honor song and the women cleanse the circle before the grand entry begins. It was very awesome!! And I was very honored to be asked by the head woman to participate.
Well, that's it from the trail for now.
Much Love and many prayers,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Going Mobiile...


We will be heading to Georgia this weekend for this pow wow:

      June 28 - 29, 2008 ~ 4th Annual Eastern Native American

"WE are all RELATED" Charity Pow Wow

Whippoorwill Hollow Organic Farm ~ Walnut Grove, GA

(Between Conyers and Monroe on Hwy 138)

Profits will go to support Native Americans with Diabetes and support OUR Elders - Demonstrators, Craft and Food Vendors, Educational Children's Games and activities, Story Tellers and Much More!  Admission $10 per Vehicle - Bring the whole Family!! Gates open 10am - 6pm Saturday Grand Entry at 12 noon - Sunday 10am - 5pm Grand Entry at 1pm - Primitive Camping available for tents and campers for dancers and vendors only - Flag retirement ceremony & Trade Blanket on Saturday night - Contact: Whippoorwill Hollow Farms whippoorwillholf@bellsouth.net 678-625-3272 Andy Byrd - 770-601-0109 Hilda Byrd - NO Politics, NO Weapons, NO Drugs, and NO Alcohol !  Vendors by invitation only - Directions: From Atlanta, take I-20 east to exit #82 (Conyers/Hwy 138). Take a left onto Hwy 138 and go 9 miles to Walnut Grove (Walton County). Continue through the traffic light - our farm is 1 mile on the left.


We will be heading for North Carolina after the 4th, schedule can be followed on this calendar or the dot.com calendar. I will be able to update on the fly now ;)

Feel free to contact us on our journey, I will try to keep contact in return too.

Much Love and many prayers,


Six Directions Traders 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Crossing of Mary Lara

I received this info from Carla of the Family Drum Singers today:
I regret to inform you all that Mary Lara, Ernies wife, passed away yesterday.  She and Ernie were in a car accident on Friday, and she had some injuries that she could not overcome.  Ernie is doing ok.  He suffered some cuts and bruises, but his most severe injury is his broken heart.  Please keep him and the family in your prayers!!!  My sister Caren or I will pass on any information about any services as soon as we get them!
PS for those of you who may not know Ernie.....he is one of our singers.....an Apache elder.
Mary Lara - We will always love and never forget

Prayers Please!

My neighhbor's son Eric was T-boned in his vehicle at 3am (2 nights ago) on his way to work - He is still in Trauma and needs all the prayers he can get - Please send smoke, also he has a wife and 3 children

Thank you all



Friday, June 13, 2008

Walnut Grove ~ Georgia Pow Wow

June 28 - 29, 2008 ~ 4th Annual Eastern Native American

"WE are all RELATED" Charity Pow Wow

Whippoorwill Hollow Organic Farm ~ Walnut Grove, GA

(Between Conyers and Monroe on Hwy 138)

Profits will go to support Native Americans with Diabetes and support OUR Elders - Demonstrators, Craft and Food Vendors, Educational Children's Games and activities, Story Tellers and Much More!  Admission $10 per Vehicle - Bring the whole Family!! Gates open 10am - 6pm Saturday Grand Entry at 12 noon - Sunday 10am - 5pm Grand Entry at 1pm - Primitive Camping available for tents and campers for dancers and vendors only - Flag retirement ceremony & Trade Blanket on Saturday night - Contact: Whippoorwill Hollow Farms whippoorwillholf@bellsouth.net 678-625-3272 Andy Byrd - 770-601-0109 Hilda Byrd - NO Politics, NO Weapons, NO Drugs, and NO Alcohol !  Vendors by invitation only - Directions: From Atlanta, take I-20 east to exit #82 (Conyers/Hwy 138). Take a left onto Hwy 138 and go 9 miles to Walnut Grove (Walton County). Continue through the traffic light - our farm is 1 mile on the left.

Little Wolf makes friends with a Cherokee woman that sat with us for a while.


Shaun and Rob, the Buffalo People came and gifted us.


Spirit Warriors



A Little Drama Never Hurt Anyone!

A Little Drama Never Hurt Anyone!

Florida Chapter ~ SALUTE!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back to the Sandbar... for now


We got back to the sandbar Safe.  It was an amazing journey to these 2 pow wows and back.  We will be here for 2 weeks and then will head to Georgia to do a few more pow wows.  Please let me know if there is a pow wow that I can advertise on my calendar.  I will be updating this calendar and the dot com calendar as well. 

Much Love and Many prayers to all the LongWalkers as well as my friends and family ~wrulf



Monday, June 9, 2008

Dennis Banks ~ AIM

We had more people come on Sunday to the Oxford pow wow and I got to meet Dennis Banks. We bought raffle tickets to support The Longest Walk 2 also, I purchased a T~shirt and bandanna. Well, we won both raffle items!!!! A Dennis Banks signed CD and a signed T~shirt!! We got to spend more time with the walkers and meet more of them. There were some amazing things happening. I did get a few pictures which I will post as soon as I can. Love to all ~wrulf

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Longest Walk 2

We are in Oxford, Alabama at pow wow and yesterday The Longest Walk 2 came through. I took some video and will get it posted later this week when I can get the laptop online. Been a nice pow wow, good location, I would have thought there would have been more public coming in then there was. It was really awesome sitting with some of the walkers and listening to their stories. Seems we are meeting more family every day. I will try to get more pictures today and will post again in a few days. Much Love and many prayers to all ~wrulf

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

From the Pow Wow Trail


We are still in Alabama, going to Oxford in1 week for the next pow wow.  Please check out the pictures and video from the Napier Field Pow Wow.  This was an awesome first time pow wow, we will be back next year! 

Also got invited to do this pow wow at the end of June:

  June 28 - 29, 2008 ~ 4th Annual Eastern Native American

"WE are all RELATED" Charity Pow Wow

Whippoorwill Hollow Organic Farm ~ Walnut Grove, GA

(Between Conyers and Monroe on Hwy 138)

Profits will go to support Native Americans with Diabetes and support OUR Elders - Demonstrators, Craft and Food Vendors, Educational Children's Games and activities, Story Tellers and Much More!  Admission $10 per Vehicle - Bring the whole Family!! Gates open 10am - 6pm Saturday Grand Entry at 12 noon - Sunday 10am - 5pm Grand Entry at 1pm - Primitive Camping available for tents and campers for dancers and vendors only - Flag retirement ceremony & Trade Blanket on Saturday night - Contact: Whippoorwill Hollow Farms whippoorwillholf@bellsouth.net 678-625-3272 Andy Byrd - 770-601-0109 Hilda Byrd - NO Politics, NO Weapons, NO Drugs, and NO Alcohol !  Vendors by invitation only - Directions: From Atlanta, take I-20 east to exit #82 (Conyers/Hwy 138). Take a left onto Hwy 138 and go 9 miles to Walnut Grove (Walton County). Continue through the traffic light - our farm is 1 mile on the left.


There is a gathering in July which we will also attend that is put on by a good friend of ours Squirrel.  Here is the info for that one:

July 7 - 14, 2008 ~ A Journey of the Seventh Fire: A Continuation

1232 Indian Trail ~ Blackshear, GA 31516

Presented by Tradin' Tyme at the Squirrel's Den - To Honor the Creator, To honor the influence of the Positive Energies of the Universe and to Honor the Guidance of the spirits of the Good Ancestors.

HOW: Meditation and Contemplation.  A loose schedule of events will be planned.  Intertribal and Stomp Dance are definitely being considered.  The Gathering will begin at 7am on 07/07/08 and will continue for 7 days to 07/14/08 on 7 acres of land.

It will begin by 7 fires lit by 7 fire keepers and 7 fire bearers by live embers carried in Alabama Mussel Shells to 7 Camps.  When the fires are all lit, 7 Conch Shells will be sounded and the festivities will begin!

There will be Trade Blanket Daily and NO Vending - The FEED will be Communal Stone Soup- The specialty of the House!!

**NOTE: This event is by Invitation Only and NOT Open to the public ** Please call me if you are interested in attending or if you wish to help make this gathering a success.  Squirrel 912-449-3335 squirrelysden@yahoo.com Very Little electricity - However there are Hot and Cold Showers and  Restrooms on the grounds.

Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability:  Your participation in this private event is at your sole and exclusive risk.  The host of this event may refuse admittance, or ask you to leave the event at any time for any reason.  You agree and understand that injuries and damages can occur by natural causes or by the acts of other persons or third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other reasons and that you are personally responsible for all costs and/or risks associated with this activity.  You agree and understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon you and includes any minors accompanying you at this event.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wolf Cry

Two days ago I was awakened in the early morning hours with this
message: "Call your tribe." I am not an indigenous person so the
word 'tribe' coming at me like this is a bit startling. However,
working with the Great Council of the Grandmothers who have come to
return the earth to balance, and working with the teaching and
helping spirits of the upper and lower world have taught me to sit
loose in the saddle and let myself go where I am being guided.

It was Wolf, the great teacher, who was speaking. "Call your tribe,"
he said again. "Call them and tell them the time is NOW! They are
needed!" he emphasized. " More people are needed to do the work of
holding the Net of Light at this time," he said. "Tell them to call
on the Net of Light and take their place on it. Ask them to then
hold it and cast the Net further and further. Wherever there is
suffering on earth and where there are people who long to serve, but
don't know how-cast the Net of Light," he said. "Tell everyone you
know," he said, "and write an article calling people to the Net of
Light." When the spirits speak to me like this, I listen.

The Net of Light is called by different names. Web of Light, Grid of
Light, Indra's Net, Net of Life and Net of Light are a few. They
all, however, refer to the same thing. The Great Council of the
Grandmothers say, "This is the Net of Light that will hold the earth
during the times of change that are now upon you." ("A Call to
Power: the Grandmothers Speak" by Sharon McErlane)

A few weeks ago the Grandmothers said, "In addition to casting the
Net of Light wherever there is suffering on the earth, begin now to
also cast to people who are disturbed by the rise of negativity on
earth and want to help in some way. Many of them have no spiritual
path to follow," they said. " They cannot relate to organized
religion and they have not found a way that speaks to their heart.
We ask you to cast the Net of Light to them now," they said, "so the
Net can take them to their path." When Wolf woke me in the middle of
the night he was basically repeating what the Grandmothers had said,
except that his message was much more urgent, ("Tell them that the
time is NOW!")

It is my experience that the Grandmothers and the helping spirits do
not mess around and they ask that now we not mess around either.
They are asking for our help. You can think of the Net as a lighted
fishnet that covers the earth, holds it from above, from below and
at the same time penetrates the body of the planet as well as the
body of everything that lives here on earth. The Net is lit by the
jewel of the heart of each person who holds it; it is held in
selfless service.

The Grandmothers urge us to "Go forward now and take your place on
the Net of Light. Somewhere where two strands come together is a
place that will feel just right for you. Walk forward now and take
your place. Hold this place on the Net and let the Net hold you. You
hold and you are held in light," they say.

At this point there are thousands of people working with the Net of
Light through the Grandmothers network as well as seventy
Grandmothers groups focused on spreading their message in different
countries of the world. The Grandmothers say, "From this place on
the Net of Light, cast now to those who do not know that they too
are held in light. Cast to those who are suffering and also to those
who wish to help with this work but who have not had a way to access
the healing, love of the Net of Light.  "We ask you to do this for
yourself," they say, "and for everything that lives. And as you work
with the Net of Light," they add, "you will become a walking
blessing upon the earth."

"We bless you."

Both the Grandmothers' website:
www.grandmothersspeak.com , and 'A
Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak'
give a more detailed
explanation of the Net of Light.

We have been asked to get this message to as many people as
possible, so if you have suggestions as to where we might post this
(magazines, newsletters, etc.), please get back to me. Also please
forward to people who would resonate with this urgent message.

I salute the beauty/power within you,

Sharon McErlane

Some of the women from last years Gathering of the Grandmothers

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Alabama Pow Wows

Mother's Day pow wow was pretty good, the people came out.  It's the last one in the area until fall now, so we will be travelling north to Alabama.

Here are the next pow wows we are going to be at:


May 24 25, 2008 ~ Napier Field VFD & VPD 1st Fund Raiser Powwow

Napier Field, Napier, AL 36303

Napier Field Volunteer FIre Department and Volunteer Police Department 1st FUndraiser Pow Wow sponsored by: Napier Filed Volunteer Fire and Police Departments and will be held at: 358 Headquarters Street 1 block from the Dothan airport. No contest powwow. Admission Fee: Adults- $4, children -$2, elders 65 & up and children 6 & under-Free. MC: Gary Smith. HL: Gwen Babs. AD: Peter Kassaras. Invited drums: all drums welcome. Booths and fees: 30 craft vendors, Fee $50 plus 1 donated item for the auction. Food vendors 2, Fee $100. Directions: I-65 get off at the Dothan airport exit Napier Field is 1 block from the airport at 358 Headquarters Street. General contact name: Charles Klien 334-983-3007 www.nffd.net Vendor Contact: Mark or Ruth Davis ravenspiritwalker@yahoo.com 256-820-6315


June 7 -8, 2008 ~ Native Solutions 10th Annual Intertribal Powwow

Oxford Lake Park across from the tennis courts, Oxford, Alabama


Native Solutions 10th Annual Intertribal Pow Wow sponsored by: Native Solutions and will be held at: Oxford Lake Park across from the tennis courts. No contest powwow. Admission Fee: Adults $5; elders 65 & up and children 12 & under-Free. MC: Bryan Halfday, Chippewa Nation, Ontario. HM: Jerry "Smitty" Smith. HL: Gwen Babs. AD: Cowboy. Host Northern Drum: TBA. Host Southern Drum: TBA. Invited drums: all drums welcome. Booths and fees: 25 craft vendors, fee $130. 2 food vendors, fee $200. Comments: Times: Sat-10-7, grand entry 11:00; Sun-10-6, grand entry 12:00 Luck of the draw for dancers Pow wow ambassador contest No drugs or alcohol allowed Bring your own lawn chairs; rain or shine. Directions: I-20 exit 185, going westbound, turn right at the end of the exit, take a right at Shoney's, pow wow will be on the right just past Days Inn; going eastbound turn left, go under the overpass, turn right at Shoney's, pow wow will be on the right just past Days Inn. General contact name: Tony 256-835-0110 Vendor Contact: Mark or Ruth 256-820-6315