Monday, December 3, 2007

Leesburg, Florida Pow Wow

11th Annual Leesburg Pow Wow

Honoring All Veterans

December 7, 8, 9, 2007

Sponsored by the Intertribal Cultural Arts Society Inc.

Location: Highway 27, South end of Leesburg, Florida - On west side of road after the post office.

For a map of Leesburg, Florida:

View Larger Map

Host Drum - Family Drum
Mc - David Trezak
AD - Michael Whitewolf

Blood Drive on Saturday, Florida's Blood Center

Admission Donation at the gate
Native American Dancers in Regalia, Indian Food, Flute Playing,

Crafts, Demo's Story Telling, Teepees, singers
NO Alcohol, Drugs, or Weapons
vendor info - Brenda Tripp
Powwow info Tom Lipps 352-418-3179


1 comment:

  1. Hi traveling lady. Funny that a friend of mine in Fl.'s email is windriverrez. Gentle winds and lower gas prices to you!
