Happy Turkey Day...
Hope everyone is hanging on. I know we are ALL in Distress these days. Personally I despise this time of year and wish that tomorrow would be January first. My entire Blood Family has forsaken one another, I only have one younger brother that keeps in touch with me. I have tried and tried over the years at this time to contact and forgive and forget or perhaps bring back together - To NO avail.
My Tiyospaye* is priority now, they have been there for us numerous times, and we have been there for them. So on this day of Thanks that I give for all the Soldiers that fight for our Freedom; for all the Firefighters, Police and EMT's that protect our lives here at home; for all the Ancestors that come before us that have paved the way of the walk. I also Thank these people that I am proud to consider my real Family. You know who you are, and you have NO ego to be named, you need NO status or Title, I Love You ALL.
Much Love and many Prayers,
*Tiyospaye is an extended family, Indigenous People united by choice rather than by blood or colonial delineation.