Pictures Uploaded ~ Heading South
I got the pictures uploaded from the last couple pow wows, I won't be able to do the video's until I get to Dothan. The pictures from King NC are awesome, especially the fire. Ken participated in lighting the fire, he is our Firekeeper at Thundering Spirit Pow Wow. There was an eagle dancer, and Iroquoi Smoke Dancers. The woman Grass Dancer, Diamond, is the daughter of Robert Roach a Lakota, She walks in leg braces normally and was given the Grass Dance by several Cherokee Elders. She was Amazing!! I love ALL MY GrassDancers. It had Rained really hard Saturday night, but the Firekeeper kept the fire going through it. When we came out to the shop, both vendors on either side of me had to move because they got flooded out, yet we were dry. It was weird, We were on the Baseball diamond behind the pitchers mound and the ground was hard when it was dry, yet when it rained it became like Quick Sand!! As always we met more extended family, met a veteran that knew some of our people in Florida, and Utah Ferris, Rex Beggae, Lola Brantly were all there. Irene Bedard was there, she and her husband sang together and told stories in a very unique way. She did the voice for Pocahantas and starred in various Native American Movies. As I say It was a really awesome Pow Wow - Check out the photos, and dont forget you can go to my Flickr account to see the pics closer.
While travelling to Alabama, I got rather good at taking photos from the moving vehicle So you will see the Huntsville NASA Center. And the Bluff Creek Pow Wow was very small and rainy, we only had a little time on Saturday to pow wow. However, Keep look out for a video I shot of my Brother Tatankla Yellowbird's son playing the flute, He was really good!!